Made Super Easy Valentines Day Heart Crayons!

20150118_195910     I made super easy heart crayons! Each one is especially unique. Just take your old beat up crayons and take all the paper off! Place the crayons into a silicone mold (any shape), fill it about half way up and place in a preheated oven (170 degrees f) and let them melt. Once they are melted take them out and resist the urge to touch or mix them! You can then add glitter to them if you want to but you don’t have to! Once they are starting to get hard but not completely dried place a hole anywhere in the mold, so that a friendship bracelet can be added as well as a name tag! I have never had one come out exactly like the others! Each one is unique! Super easy and fun! Cant wait to give away to my homeschool group! Please subscribe to my youtube channel Hailey Thehowtogirl, I put out videos every week!

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