I made my own Lip Balm!

20141109_000759I made lip balm for the first time the other day! I never realized how easy it really is! The ingredients are all naturalĀ and you know exactly what is going on your lips! My mom only allowed me to put a tiny bit of color in, since I am only six years old, but you can put however much you want! I even made a little container for my brother with no color.




  1. 5 small lip gloss containers
  2. Coconut oil
  3. Olive Oil
  4. Bees wax
  5. Cosmetic smell/flavoring (totally optional) (p.s. the coconut oil makes it smell super yummy all by itself!)
  6. Coloring (I used old lipstick, but you can use Koolaide, eye shadow, blush, or some even use crayons)


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