About Me

ReaFamily 037Hi I am Hailey the how to girl! I am 6 years old. I want to become a helicopter pilot/cook when I grow up! I am the oldest girl of five children! I haveĀ one older brother, two little sister, and a little brother! My mommy likes to call me the baby whisperer because I can get the baby to stop crying even if she cant. My favorite things to do right now are to color, paint, cook and do science projects! I am currently homeschooled and love every moment of it! My favorite food is spicy salsa and chips! I also love York peppermint patties! We are a one income family which is why we don’t get to post very many video but I hope that I can do some more often! I am a big advocate for Childhood Cancer, as my sister passed away from Leukemia at the age of 6 months.

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